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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Big Fish

1) What does " a big fish in small pond" mean to you?
People who are important but only within their limited circle of influence.

2) What is the purpose of Edward Bloom's tall tale about  the big fish and the wedding ring?

3)How does William Bloom as a boy feel about the relationship between Edward and William Bloom?
William was very fascinated with the tale when he listened to it the first one or two times. However, Edward kept repeating the story at william's events such as campfires and wedding.William thus befan to feel that the story was unbelievable and lame. 

4)Why does Edward Bloom feel the need to keep repeating the tale throughout his life?
Edward felt that his story was very interesting and could always entertain people at events.
5)What does the tale reveal about the relationship between Edwward and William Bloom?
At first, William enjoyed to listen to his father's stories. However, as William grew up and his father continued to repeat the "big fish" story, their relationship suffered. William felt ashamed of his father when he repeated the story at William's wedding and did not talk to him for three years.
6)Consider the following quote: "In telling the story of my father's life, it's impossible to separate fact from fiction, the man from the myth. The best I can do is to tell it the way he told me. It doesn't always make sense, and most of it never happened, but that's what kind of story this is." What kind of storieshave you been told that match this description? What is the effect of telling a story in this way?
Myths, legends or fairytales match this description. By telling a story this way, it becomes much ore interesting for the audience.
7)Does bending the truth or exaggerating the truth for the purpose of conveying an entertaining story undercut the believability of such a story? is a tall tale less valid than a straight reportage of the facts? Why or why not?
Yes, as the story moves further away from reality and truth, the believvability of the story is being comprimised. it is definitely less valid than a straight reportage of the facts but much more exciting in interesting.

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