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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

LA-ACE----English project

This year, I decided to do an English project for Project’s Day. I failed my Project's Day last year and I did badly for Independent Studies, which in turn pulled down my scholastic MSG. That served as a wakeup call for me, given the fact that I reflected upon what went wrong and I realise that having good team mates and working together was one of the main factors that affect your success. Working together also means trying your best to put aside personal commitments to attend group meetings and contributing. Each group member should have an equal commitment so that it is fair for everyone. This year, I learnt from my past mistakes and decided to choose my teammates carefully. I also chose to do a project which I was comfortable with. Last year, I did a project on a math topic which I had not learnt before and had to do tons of research. This time, I decided to choose to do an English project on Singlish, something that we speak every day. I also learnt another lessons from last year. We should work closely with our project mentors as they know what is expected of us in order to do well in our projects. I will do my best in this year’s Project’s Day and try to achieve a good grade and get a good scholastic MSG!

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