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Friday, July 8, 2011

Term 3 Blog-prompt #48

In the Asian society, the Asian population would drop greatly, leading to a dropping world population. There would also be a great imbalance in the world as there would be more westerners than Asians. This is because Chinese men cannot find Asian women to marry and they would either remain as bachelors or go overseas to find wives and thus, their children would also be Eurasians. In addition, if there would be decreasing Asian female population, the Asian economy would also be affected. There would certainly be not enough people to take up jobs meant for women in Asia and they either have to be left to women from other countries or taken over by men. Moreover, women would become like commodities where they are bought and sold as brides as they are so rare. Prostitution would also become a very big industry as there would be many sexually-frustrated men. However, this might have another effect, where Asians realise the value of women and their importance and erase the sexist attitude that boys are always better than girls, which is prevalent in rural India and China. Next, they might begin to accept girls and treat both men and women equally. Moreover, now that China is transforming more of its rural areas into urban cities, their thinking and ideology might be influenced and changed. When they live in rural areas, they want boys for practical reasons such as helping out with the farming. However, in the city, having a daughter is not much difference as both men and women will have equal chances in getting a job. Thus, people living in the city might not bother so much and going to the extent of aborting a girl just because they want a boy. However, I feel that the Chinese government should discourage its people from aborting their children without a valid reason such as paying more tax. They can also encourage people to have only one child by giving them attractive benefits just like Singapore's two-child policy and baby-bonus scheme. Banning people from having more than one child would lead to countless abortions.

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