If human beings are not optimistic, we would not have gone so fat and become so prosperous and successful. In fact we could have lost out to other species and be eliminated. Moreover, we would not be able to live in such an advances and modern world. Optimism is vital in human beings as it helps us to look at things on the bright side in times of failure. In this case, if we are all pessimistic, we would not have had such good medical care, reducing our life expectancy. Moreover, we would also not have such advanced technology as we would have given up the moment we face failure and defeat. Imagine living in a world of darkness as Thomas Edison would have never invented the light bulb. The moment he failed at his first attempt, he would most likely be so pessimistic and depressed that he would just quit trying. Things like the telephone and the computer are high-technology devices invented with the help of optimism and hard work and perseverance. In addition, many of us would be falling into depression and commit suicide over small things such as failing a class test or unable to pass your fitness test. This way, human beings would never live past a certain age with so much pessimism. In addition, none of us will enjoy life. We would be thinking about everything in a pessimistic way. For example, if we got ninety-eight upon a hundred for a math exam, instead of rejoicing and celebrating, we would be so sad that we missed getting full marks by two points. In conclusion, human optimism is very crucial for the continuity of our species and our survival and we cannot do without it.
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