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Monday, January 25, 2010


I admit I committed plagiarism when I was in Primary School. That is because I did not realise what plagiarism is. I only knew what it meant, recently, when my English teacher explained what it is and the seriousness of plagiarism.

Many people would go to the internet to do research, copy the information and use it as their own. This is the same as stealing. I advise all of you never to do it or if you are doing it, stop now. It may be the easy way out especially if you are rushing to finish a project on time, but stealing somebody's work or ideas is dishonest.

If you are caught plagiarising, it is not only embarrassing, you may be sued by the original author. Do not think that nobody will know where you have copied the work from. There will always be someone who may evenutally discover it.

For those who want to know what plagiarism is, please note the following:-
- copying someone's work as your own
- failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
- changing the words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit to the author

If anyone of you has done the above, it is not too late to change. Stop plagiarising immediately. Put in more effort and time to do your project or work. Same for me!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I plagiarized in primary school too. Actually,everybody did that during primary school, only because we were not aware that what we were doing was wrong. I remember that when we had to do research, we would just go to wikipedia and copy and paste large chunks of the articles. Our teachers would then suspect us of cheating as although we paraphrased, the main gist of it was still there, resulting in many of our essays being roughly the same!
