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Monday, January 25, 2010

Learning Diagnostic Test

Last week, I took a learning style diagnostic test on http://is.gd/62AV6. I had to answer forty questions about myself. Below are two pie charts. The pie chart on the left are my results. For comparison, I have included a pie chart (right) of an average kid's results.

As you can see from the pie chart, I am not really good at writing or solving challenging Math problems. An average boy of my age scores 14 for Linguistic and 15 for Logical, compared to my score of just 7 for each category! Well, on the brighter side, I have an edge when it comes to Naturalistic and Kinesthetic. According to the tests, I am more hands-on and musical.

If you are interested to find out your learning style, go to the above-mentioned website. Click on the link in #1 to attempt the questionnaire. Next, copy the code and type it into the results page to obtain your very own pie chart. Remember, you have to be truthful when answering the questions in order to obtain an accurate results. With the chart, you will have a better understanding of your strength and weaknesses and adopt a suitable learning method to help you excel.

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