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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Journal Entry of a day in World War II

It has been three days seen I have been sent out to fight in Germany. Since the day that I have parachuted down, I have been camping in the jungle for two days. We are running out of food as we were very lightly equipped when we jumped out of the plane. We are subjected to constant ambushes from German forces and we cannot advance until we have reinforcements. Our task is to capture a German bridge. Our commander repeatedly reminded us that German forces would be weak and limited for they were all sent out to battle elsewhere. However, I am beginning to doubt that. In fact they seem even better equipped than us. Reinforcements were supposed to come by yesterday night, but they kept being delayed. War is really very cruel and whenever we press the trigger and kill a German soldier, we feel far from being a hero or being patriotic for we know that another innocent and young life has been lost.

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